

September 14, 2024


During World War II, Lt. Gen. Leslie Groves Jr. appoints physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer to work on the top-secret Manhattan Project. Oppenheimer and a team of scientists spend years developing and designing the atomic bomb. Their work comes to fruition on July 16, 1945, as they witness the world’s first nuclear explosion, forever changing the course of history.

Craig and Alan talk about Christopher Nolan at his peak, shingles, horny communists and the movie “Oppenheimer” on this week’s Matinee Heroes.

Show Notes

  • 1:05

    Craig and Alan focus their “Old Man” segment on Alan’s recent shingles vaccination.

  • 4:07

    Craig and Alan discuss “Oppenheimer”

  • 26:29


  • 41:22

    Double Feature

  • 45:00

    Final Thoughts

  • 52:16

    A preview of next week’s episode “The Running Man”

Next week, we get real as we go into the future of 2017  and reality TV with 1987’s “The Running Man”

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